Southeast Asia

Where is the road calling you?

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Bangkok, Thailand

Market Stripping and Ping Pong Show Skipping

Unforgettable memory January 2011

Granted, we’ve been to Thailand more times than any other country. It’s also true this country gives us a true sense of our home away from home, but I’ll never forget our first impressions of such an addicting country. There are those who might argue Thailand is too touristy. Although it does seem to be home to hoards of new backpackers and seasoned veterans alike, […]

Don Det, Laos

No, We’re NOT Cream Filled

Loving Memory from February 2011

I won’t soon forget our first visit to the island of Don Det in Si Phan Don, located in the southern tip of Laos. Our bus from Pakse would drop us off at a small, simple bus station, leaving us to walk with our packs on 20 minutes in the scorching heat of the day to the water’s edge of the mighty Mekong River. […]

Derawan, Indonesia

Turtle Head Poking Out…From the Sand

Remembering July 2011

Sometimes we have to endure a bit of discomfort to find our paradise. This simple statement couldn’t have been truer about finding one of ours. We had done the research and weighed the amount of irritations that might arise. Still…with the small, primitive island of Derawan sounding more and more like a must-see, we threw all caution to the wind. […]

Pakse, Laos

Simplistic living inspires our giving

Memory from October 2014

A little goes a long way.  Granted you could argue the same could be true about showing cleavage, but when you’re traveling in less developed countries, these words couldn’t possibly ring more true…It doesn’t take long, no matter how you travel in Laos, to find poverty and a way of life so unfamiliarly different from our own.  Bamboo constructed huts complete with palm fern thatched roofs fill nearly every rural village in the country.  […]